26 October 2011

a typical day...

boy: Mommy, I want a brand new toy

me: haha!! dream on boy

boy: I want a brand new toy!

me: you just had a new fire engine from Kong-Kong

boy: that was so long ago

me: that was yesterday!

boy: yes, yesterday was very, very long ago!

me:   -_-

The Flag Off

I have blogs, many of them, for all different types of writings. This one is for little (or big) ideas, thoughts, opinons, musings and whatnots. Some are neutral, some are positive, and a whole lot are I'm sure, are negative (reflection of the bitchy, and loving it, me that I am) in nature.

My friends, relatives, family, acquaintances, enemies: if any of you come across a posting that you think is about you or someone you know, then it probably is. I don't know how many more enemies and haters will this blog create, but I came across a retweet on my twitter timeline today, and it describes my feeling about it quite aptly:

"If you don't like me, remember that its mind over matter. I don't mind and you don't matter"”

Have a good (or a fumingly furious) time reading, and Cheers!!